Sunday, April 20, 2014

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday! What a wonderful day to once again celebrate and remember the Amazing salvation we have received through Christ's death and resurrection.  Thank you Jesus! You are the way the truth and the life and the only way to eternal salivation. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

1 Week Old Today!!

Caleb Elias is officially 7 days old today! We are celebrating God's faithfulness and goodness to us to give us this precious gift 1 week ago today. 

Coming home from the hospital!! Friday 3/28/2014

Baby Boy Marriage finally has a name!! When filling out the discharge paperwork and birth certificate information, Kris helped us make a final decision on his name. Introducing Caleb Elias Marriage!!

Caleb doesn't have a blood infection so we proudly got to bring him home on Friday. We were so proud and happy. As soon as we arrived, Kris couldn't wait to show him off. Despite the rain (this is the Northwest) we took him right over to introduce him to both our next door neighbors. Then Kris took him over to the church office (a block away) to show him off to the church staff regardless of the rain all over Caleb's face. Such sweet memories! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

4 pics from the hospital- before and after baby

Baby Is Here!

Baby Marriage arrived at 4:57 am PST (7:57 am  EST for all the East coasters) after 19 hours of labor   Yeah! He's beautiful and BIG  - -  9 lbs and 19 and 1/2 inches long!!!  Due to Caitlin's temperature, he also has a temperature and it was 102.9 degrees at birth. He was started on IV antibiotics but otherwise he's doing  great! He has dark hair and is very handsome. No name yet though. 

Caitlin had a bit of a rough labor but she was a trooper.  She pushed for 2 hrs, 20 min. and had some heavy bleeding afterwards. She too had to be on antibiotics for her temperature. They will be in the hospital for 2 days. Please pray for a speedy recovery for her.

What a miracle new life is! We are all so grateful and happy he's finally here!

On The Home Stretch

Finally got to 10 cm.  The midwife recommends "laboring down" for another hour allowing the baby to progress down further before pushing. Caitlin's temperature is up to 101.3 but both her heart rate and the baby's are still within normal limits.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Slow and Steady

Well, it's been 4 hours and she's 5 cm, 100% effaced and the baby's moving down into the pelvis - all good signs! They just turned the pitocin up a little bit.  However, her temperature is slightly elevated and the nurses are watching it closely. At one point it was 100.4 and is now down to 99.7 which causes the baby's heart rate to be faster in response. They are monitoring her for any signs of infection. We are figuring that it will probably be somewhere in the 2 am time frame for delivery. Please pray with us for her temperature to return to normal, no infection, and strength and energy to push the baby out when the time comes. Caitlin is resting now and hopefully will be able to nap a little bit!

Moving along!

Caitlin is resting comfortably now. Her in-laws arrived about an hour ago which was great timing as she was relaxed and comfortable. The mid-wife checked her and she is 90% effaced and 4 cm dilated. So, now the baby has to rotate. He's head down but needs to rotate so his head will push on the cervix and help it to dilate with the contractions. She's trying to rest on her side now. We could have another 4-6 more hours to go! 

Epidural Time!

Caitlin is getting prepped for the epidural. The tub helped relax her some but she is getting very tired. Kris is a fantastic coach/support/encourager - just what Caitlin needs!

Ramping up!

Everything is progressing nicely - contractions are more regular and getting more intense as expected. Caitlin is dreading each one but doing very well. She is going to sit in the tub soon. No idea how dilated she is, they don't check b/c the water broke and don't want to risk infection. The baby's heartbeat is very good with each contraction.

We're progressing!

This is Nonnie posting from the labor room! Here's the update: Caitlin's water broke on the kitchen floor this morning before they left for the hospital. The pitocin is running and has been "upped" twice and now the contractions are regular. We started a game of Settlers of Catan per Caitlin's request (one of her favorite games) but didn't get very far. She is focused and still able to stay on top of the contractions. Things have really improved over the past 20+ years! And I thought we were progressive then!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Baby is coming!

Caitlin is officially 41 weeks pregnant.  The baby stuff is all ready, our hospital bags are packed- but still no baby to fill our arms.  Luckily, the end is near- baby has over stayed his welcome inside me and is being evicted tomorrow.  We have an induction scheduled for 8am tomorrow morning- 3/25/2014.  We can not wait to meet our baby tomorrow!  Please join us in praying even now that the Lord will soften his heart to the gospel and show him the truth of salvation through Christ alone by faith alone.  Thanks everyone!  Stay posted on this blog tomorrow for all the labor updates.