Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Baby Is Here!

Baby Marriage arrived at 4:57 am PST (7:57 am  EST for all the East coasters) after 19 hours of labor   Yeah! He's beautiful and BIG  - -  9 lbs and 19 and 1/2 inches long!!!  Due to Caitlin's temperature, he also has a temperature and it was 102.9 degrees at birth. He was started on IV antibiotics but otherwise he's doing  great! He has dark hair and is very handsome. No name yet though. 

Caitlin had a bit of a rough labor but she was a trooper.  She pushed for 2 hrs, 20 min. and had some heavy bleeding afterwards. She too had to be on antibiotics for her temperature. They will be in the hospital for 2 days. Please pray for a speedy recovery for her.

What a miracle new life is! We are all so grateful and happy he's finally here!


  1. Way to go Caitlin!! Congratulations! Rest, rest, rest!

  2. Hurray! Welcome Baby Marriage!! Love you guys! Get lots of rest now. Praying for smooth and quick recovery.
